The Starling Tribune: An Unofficial Arrow TV Show Fan Podcast: Starling Tribune - Season 5 Edition – Bratva (A CW Network Arrow Television Show Fan Podcast) #139 (2025)

Feb 13, 2017

Starling Tribune - Season 5 Edition – Bratva (A CW Network ArrowTelevision Show Fan Podcast) #139

The Official Arrow Podcast of the Gonna Geek Network

Episode:“Bratva” [Season 5 Episode 12]

Air Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Director: Ben Bray

1x Arrow | 1x Legends | 1x Lucifer | 1x Shadowhunters

Writers: OscarBalderrama

9x Arrow | 1x Drop Dead Diva | 2x Eli Stone

Emilio Ortega Aldrich

8x Arrow


Weekly Ratings

Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating


01 Legacy 5-Oct-16 1.89

02 The Recruits 12-Oct-16 1.94

03 A Matter Of Trust 19-Oct-16 1.79

04 Penance 26-Oct-16 1.87

05 Human Target 2-Nov-16 1.61

06 So It Begins 9-Nov-16 1.95

07 Vigilante 16-Nov-16 1.86

08 Invasion 30-Nov-16 3.55

09 What We Leave Behind 7-Dec-16 1.94

10 Who Are You 25-Jan-17 1.68

11 Second Chances 1-Feb-17 1.91

12 Bratva 8-Feb-17 1.61

13 Spectre Of The Gun 15-Feb-17

14 The Sin-Eater 22-Feb-17

15 Fighting Fire with Fire 1-Mar-17

16 Checkmate TBD

17 Kapot TBD

Legends Of Tomorrow

Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating

01 Out Of Time 13-Oct-2016 3.01

02 Justice Society of America 20-Oct-2016 2.83

03 Shogun 27-Oct-2016 2.71

04 Abominations 3-Nov-2016 1.75

05 Compromised 10-Nov-2016 1.77

06 Outlaw Country 17-Nov-2016 1.85

07 Invasion 1-Dec-2016 3.39

08 The Chicago Way 8-Dec-2016 2.00

09 Raiders Of The Lost Art 24-Jan-2016 1.74

10 The Legion Of Doom 31-Jan-2017 1.78

11 Turncoast 7-Feb-17 1.89


Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating

01 The Adventures of Supergirl 10-Oct-16 3.06

02 The Last Children of Krypton 17-Oct-16 2.66

03 Welcome to Earth 24-Oct-16 2.65

04 Survivors 31-Oct-16 2.22

05 Crossfire 7-Nov-16 2.47

06 Changing 14-Nov-16 2.35

07 The Darkest Place 21-Nov-16 2.61

08 Medusa 28-Nov-16 3.53

09 Supergirl Lives 23-Jan-17 2.65

10 We Can Be Heroes 30-Jan-17 2.35

11 The Martian Chronicles 6-Feb-17 2.4


Episode # / Episode Title / Episode Air / Date /Rating

01 Flashpoint 4-Oct-16 3.17

02 Paradox 11-Oct-16 2.80

03 Magenta 18-Oct-16 2.67

04 The New Rogues 25-Oct-16 2.80

05 Monster 1-Nov-16 2.77

06 Shade 15-Nov-16 3.01

07 Killer Frost 22-Nov-16 2.95

08 Invasion! 29-Nov-16 4.15

09 The Present 6-Dec-16 3.14

10 Borrowing Problems From The Future 24-Jan-17 2.68

11 Dead Or Alive 31-Jan-17 3.06

12 Untouchable 7-Feb-17 2.94

Part 1: The Plot, Themes and Characters

  • What was the overall theme for this episode / What was the linkto the ep. name
    • The team has to go to Russia to stop the sale of a nuke
      • Ollie needs Anatoly’s help in the present
      • What it means to be Bratva; the oath is for life
    • Fight scenes & Stunts: Share your thoughts
      • Opening fight - mostly hand-to-hand
        • Ollie catches arrow shot by Talia
      • Lots of gunfights
      • End sequence - Ragman gets guys, gun shots, chase, Canary cry,Rory shields nuke
    • Flashbacks: Share your thoughts
      • Ollie trains with Talia
        • Talia is all about Ollie keeping his promise to his father andto go back to Starling City and right the wrongs
        • Ollie kills drug dealer - the drug is the one Thea was on (FBin the FB)
      • Ollie goes back to Anatoly
        • Likely to tell Anatoly he wants to leave, but Anatoly beaten,promises to help him kill Gregor
    • Ollie:
      • Still struggling with overcoming past and being better
      • Tries to resist being part of Bratva, but does favor forAnatoly to get intel on Walker
      • Tells Diggle and Felicity that they work well because they arebetter than him
      • Feels as though Prometheus is infecting his team; Diggle andFelicity willing to cross the line, but that’s his job
    • Diggle
      • Filled with rage - Walker is out and need to get him now
      • Uses captive as a punching bag - gets no intel
      • Doesn’t kill Walker because he remembers what Ollie says
    • Thea
      • Not in episode
    • Felicity
      • Uses Pandora to find intel on guy; threatens him with info toget info - flanked by Rory and Curtis
      • “Fight fire with fire”
      • Can’t hack nuke to disarm it; willing to sacrifice self byflying plane with nuke
      • Gets text from Helix/Alana - use Pandora for more thanWalker
    • Quentin Lance
      • Out of rehab!
      • Volunteers to be interviewed by Susan Walker
      • Admits he still struggles; has to figure out how to deal witheverything and remain sober
    • Curtis
      • Additional tech support
      • Learns Russian on plane
      • So cute playing tough, flashes gun
    • Wild Dog
      • Helps prep Lance for interview
      • Not afraid to push Lance’s buttons
      • Tells Susan story - Lance caught him tagging; Lance told him hecould be better
    • Dinah Drake / Black Canary
      • Nice that she’s a meta
      • Tells Ollie that his past isn’t an anchor; he is more than athug
      • Can handle her vodka
    • Artemis
      • Off being a traitor
    • Ragman
      • Voice of humanity
      • Gives Felicity the “With great power comes greatresponsibility” talk
      • Uses rags to shield nuke
      • The nuke “kills” the rags; leaves (one superpower leaves b/canother on team)
    • D.A. Adrian Chase
      • Fends off questions from Susan Williams
    • Susan Williams
      • Hadn’t slept with Ollie yet
      • Digging into Malone’s death
      • Ends up going easy on Lance because of Rene’s story
      • Finally has sexytimes with Ollie; wants to know about him; hedoesn’t want to tell her yet
      • Meets with contact; learns Ollie with Bratva and there wassomeone like the Green Arrow in Russia during Ollie’s time there;figures it out
    • Bratva
      • Anatoly decks Ollie upon arrival
      • Upset that Ollie did not honor deal w/Leonov
      • Gregor loyal to Kovar - Ollie helped Anatoly w/Gregor, soowed
      • Anatoly upset that Ollie refuses to honor oath; oath to Bratvais for life
    • Prometheus
      • New developments:
      • Known facts:
        • 30 years old?
        • Ollie’s past and that he is Arrow; knows about The List
        • How to fight like Ollie; studied with person Ollie did while inRussia
        • Has a tolerance to Diazepam (Valium); can shake off gettingsedated
        • Where and how to get Ollie’s old arrows to make his own
        • Team Flash - how they keep metas at Star Labs; Black Siren
        • Sara, the Legends, the Waverider, time travel, and parallelworlds
        • Faked Lyla’s voice to lure Diggle
      • Michelle’s List O’Suspects: (I’m keeping this active until themask comes off)
        • Tommy Merlyn
        • SusanWilliams (investigating Ollie)
        • Robert Queen - too old?
        • Claybourne’s son
        • Adrian Chase (but more likely to become Vigilante)
        • Helena Bertinelli
        • Isabel Rochev
        • Mckenna Hall
        • Shado
        • Talia al Ghul
        • Roy - too young?
        • Some guy from the Bratva
        • Some new character
  • Lingering Questions / Issues
    • Where does Ollie live?


  1. ARROW, THE FLASH, And SUPERGIRL Episode Descriptions TeaseGorilla Grodd, Mr. Mxyzptlk, And More (Date: 03 Feb2017)
    Week of February 20th- Arrow - "The Sin-Eater"-China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heightsand head to Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to bring in thenewly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To hissurprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murderof Detective Malone. Meanwhile, Lance feels responsible for theprison break after Warner tells him she heard about him workingwith Damien Darhk
    Supergirl - "Mr. & Mrs.Mxyzptlk" - When Mr. Mxyzptlk (guest star PeterGadiot), a magical imp, shows up on Earth and declares his love forKara (Melissa Benoist), she tries to let him down easy, thinkinghim harmless. However, he decides it’s a challenge and starts towreak havoc on National City. The Flash - "Attackon Gorilla City" - When Jesse Quick informs theteam that her father has been abducted, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco andJulian voyage to Earth-2 on a rescue mission to save Harry fromGorilla City. Barry and the team are captured and brought to Grodd. Grodd tells them he needs their help to stop Solovar, the leaderof Gorilla City, as Solovar wants to invade Earth-1.
    Speaking to CBR, Ramsey discussed how jumping out of the frying panand into the fire makes Dig feel right at home as a soldier and aserviceman. He also teased Dig’s friendship with Dinah Drake, thenew Black Canary, as well as the looming threat of General Walkerand Team Arrow’s visit to Russia. About his role in the team, hesaid, “He’s a serviceman. He’s a soldier. He’s the guy who lays ona grenade. So that’s what he immediately gets to. He gets tohelping Dinah. He gets back to helping the team. He sees thatFelicity is compromised, and he calls her on it immediately. Beforehe gets back out on the field — which he does! — we’ll see him kindof getting back to service, of being a help, which is in the bestpossible way I could say that… but the moral help, I should say.The moral compass. And the team needs it. When he comes back, theteam needs it. Dinah needs it, and Felicity particularly needsit.”


  1. The JSA Returns In This Synopsis For LEGENDS OF TOMORROW Season2 Episode 12: "Camelot/3000" (Date: 03 Feb 2017)
    ALL FOR ONE — The Legends continue their quest to hunt down theSpear of Destiny before the pieces fall into the hands of theLegion of Doom. The Legends discover that pieces of the Spear areeach being guarded in different time periods by members of the JSA.Their first stop is the future where they find Dr. Mid-Nite whicheventually leads them to the past and King Arthur’s Camelot, whereStargirl is protecting her piece of the Spear. In order to protectthe Spear shard from the now-evil Rip Hunter, the Legends must joinforces with the Knights of the Round Table. Original airdate2/21/2017.
  2. EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Sorbo Talks Joining 'Supergirl,' Teri Hatcherto Play His Wife (Date: 07 Feb 2017)
    Kevin Sorbo is ready for Supergirl. The Hercules star talked toET's Ashley Crossan at the Directors Guild of America Awards onSaturday, where he dished on what fans can expect from his role onthe CW show. "I'm heading up to Vancouver, and I'll be doing athree-show arc, and Teri Hatcher's playing my wife. I'm fromanother planet that's an arch-rival planet of Krypton," he said."Which is now of course destroyed."
    It’s a regular plant versus zombies brawl in a new clip for CartoonNetwork’s “Justice League Action” television series, which pitsSwamp Thing against Solomon Grundy. And, no, your ears don’tdeceive you — that’s Mark Hamill of “Star Wars” and “Batman: TheAnimated Series” fame providing the sweet, weedy vocals for themarshland’s defender. The clip, from the show’s upcoming “ZombieKing” episode, shows Solomon Grundy getting ready to march on anearby city, having raised an army of the undead. “Zombie King”airs on Cartoon Network on Saturday, February 4 at 7:30 AM.“Justice League Action” is a production of Warner Bros. Animationand DC Entertainment starring Kevin Conroy, Rachel Kimsey and JasonJ. Lewis.
    The CW just snagged its fifth superhero property. Variety reportsGreg Berlanti’s “Black Lightning” just received an official pilotorder from the network. According to the report, The CW willstagger their superhero programming throughout the year to avoidscheduling five straight nights of supehero series. “I don’t thinkso,” Berlanti said at the time. “If we’re lucky enough that thatexists, that that show exists, I don’t think those worlds willcross over.” However, seeing as the pilot has just shifted from Foxto The CW, it’s hard to rule anything out.
    New photos from the Vancouver set of “The Flash”/“Supergirl”musical crossover reveal the first glimpses of “Glee” veteranDarren Criss as the villainous Music Meister. The set photos depictnot only Criss but also Keiynan Lonsdale as Kid Flash, DavidHarewood as Martian Manhunter and Carlos Valdes as Vibe. Titled“Duet,” the crossover will kick off March 20 with a lead-in on“Supergirl,” similar to how the setup for last fall’s “Invasion!”was handled, and then continue on the March 21 episode of “TheFlash.”
  6. To Celebrate The Release Of THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE, DC TV ShowsGet A LEGO Makeover (Date: 06 Feb 2017)
    The LEGO Batman Movie is receiving rave reviews, and it appears asif Warner Bros. is going all out this week to give it one finalpromotional push. That involves giving a LEGO makeover to many oftheir hit TV shows, and below you'll find Minifigure versions ofcharacters from Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, and Supergirl.Disappointingly, the eclectic cast of Legends of Tomorrow hasn'tbeen included here.
    A new TV spot features Will Arnett’s LEGO Batman dropping in on aquartet of Arrowverse heroes (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl and theAtom). Their meeting isn’t so much epic as…well, confusing. That’sbecause the gang learns that while Batman may be an unparalleleddetective, he’s apparently not the world’s greatestspeller.
    The pair of Luthors will take the lead in the next episode of theseries, an installment appropriately titled “Luthors.” The CW aireda promo for the episode, and it confirmed that an episode titled“Luthors” has to include a shout out to Lex. At 12 seconds into thepromo below, you catch a glimpse of what appears to be Lex Luthor’siconic green and purple warsuit. LENA IS ARRESTED – After Metallo(guest star Frederick Schmidt) breaks out of prison and freesLillian Luthor (guest star Brenda Strong), the police blame Lena(guest star Katie McGrath) for his escape and arrest her. Despiteoverwhelming evidence, Kara (Melissa Benoist) refuses to believeher friend is guilty and fights to clear Lena’s name. Flashbacksreveal how Lena came to be a Luthor. Meanwhile, Alex (Chyler Leigh)and Maggie (Floriana Lima) celebrate their first Valentine’s Daytogether. Tawnia McKiernan directed the episode written by RobertRovner and Cindy Lichtman. (#212). Original airdate2/13/17.
  9. The Flash: Speedster Returns and Confronts Savitar in New SetVideo (Date: 06 Feb 2017)
    We knew — based on the "Attack on Gorilla City" synopsis — thatfan-favorite speedster Jesse Quick was coming back from Earth-2 forthe Grodd-centric episode (airing Feb. 21), seeking help from herEarth-1 friends with her father's abduction. However, we didn'tknow that she would return in another future episode (or perhapsjust stick around after the Grodd episode) and confront the god ofspeed.
  10. EXCLUSIVE: Mark Hamill Returns as The Joker in Justice LeagueAction Clip
    (Date: 09 Feb 2017)
    "Galaxy Jest" airs February 11, 2017, written by Duane Capizzi. Italso reunites Mark Hamill as The Joker with Kevin Conroy as Batman.The pair have been voicing the foils since Batman: The AnimatedSeries twenty-five years ago, across multiple animated series,films, and video game projects
  11. DC's Legends Of Tomorrow Changes Season 2 Finale Date(Date: 09 Feb 2017)
    The second season finale was initially expected to air on Tuesday,March 28th, following an episode of The Flash. But thanks to somereworking of The CW's schedule, the finale episode will air thefollowing Tuesday, April 4th. The most interesting thing about thisis that Legends will air in The Flash's timeslot on April 4th, andwill be followed by the third season premiere of iZombie.


  1. Green Arrow Vs The Flash (Date: 05 Feb 2017)
    DC is trying a new thing on their Youtube channel. They call itVersus, where they pit one character against the other. But insteadof something like Super Hero Beatdown where we see the actualfight, this is more giving the histories and strengths of thecharacters and letting the fans decide.For their first episodethey’ve decided to pit the Emerald Archer versus the ScarletSpeedster.
  2. DC Rebirth Returned… A Lot (Date: 06 Feb 2017)
    On the official monthly statistics, Diamond reduces the statisticaldata of comics that have been designated returnable, by 10%. Thisindicates that Diamond expect a certain amount of returnability,but not that much. Well, it seems that DC Comics seems to haveoverdone it this time. They made the first six issues of all the DCRebirth twice-monthly launch comics returnable, more than everbefore. Ostensibly to allow retailers to find a ceiling limit onsales to customers, to not have to order conservatively, and to beconfident in ordering big. Which has allowed certain titles thathad slipped away in recent years, specifically Superman and Flash,to find an appreciative audience.However, there is a cost for thatkind of thing. And while sales of DC Comics are also up, so is thereturnability, at record high levels, and something DC and Diamonddidn’t anticipate. Which is why those pallet photos are meant to bequite a revelation. Could this be why the Diamond 2016 end-of-yearstatistics have been so delayed?
  3. Funko announces Emerald City ComicCon Wave 1… w/ Green Arrowand Canary! (Date: 07 Feb 2017)
    Two-pack ofDrobz, along with a lot of other great announcements!




Promo for Next Week: Episode - “Spectre of the Gun” (Date:09 Feb 2017)

Episode: “Spectre of the Gun” [Season 5 Episode13]

Air Date: Wednesday,February 15, 2017

Summary: WILD DOG'S HISTORY ISREVEALED - A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painfulmemories for Rene (Rick Gonzalez) about his family. Flashbacksreveal how Rene went from simple family man to a hero named WildDog. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) must deal with theperpetrator behind the attack and realizes the best way to do so isas Mayor Queen instead of the Green Arrow. Tensions run high in theArrow bunker.

Director:Kristin Windell

Writer:Marc Guggenheim


Join The Starling Tribune each week as we stream live onThursday nights at 9:00 PM eastern or 8:00 PM Central Join the fun chatroom and interact with the hostslive. Contact us: @StarlingTribune - - -612-888-CAVE or 612-888-2283.

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You can find us on iTunes under ''Starling Tribune." We are verythankful for all of our positive iTunes reviews. You can find allour contact information here on the Network page of GonnaGeek.comOur complete archive is always available

This podcast was recorded Thursday February 9th, 2017.

Thank you for listening and we hope you enjoyed the show!

Audio Production by Stargate Pioneer of

The Starling Tribune: An Unofficial Arrow TV Show Fan Podcast: Starling Tribune - Season 5 Edition – Bratva (A CW Network Arrow Television Show Fan Podcast) #139 (2025)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

Last Updated:

Views: 6091

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.