The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

i Sixteen Journal-Every Evening, Wilmington, Delaware, Wednesday. June 2B, 1939 sBream9 Fight for Galento Comes True as He Faces Louis Challenger and Champion All Set Trilmani Cops Hostak Regains Title, Stopping Krieger in 4th Sports Roundup r.y EDDIR BRIETZ Portly Challenger Stiil Held 8-1 Shot Oner-Ludicrous Match to Be Staged Tonight As Expert Opinion Stays Solidly Behind Champion; Technical K. O. Believed Ending 1 Rv C.AYI.E TALBOT NEW YORK. June 28 seems almost like a dream that Tony Galento.

the blnwsy New Jersey barkeep. and Jo? Louis, one of the most destructive his. men in ring history, will climb through the ropes at Yankee Stadium about 10 o'clock tonight to fih out for the heavyweight championship of the world. A year aco the mere suggestion of such a match was consid-, ered ludicrous. Last winter, when Tony signed the papers in Miami.

it still was good for a laugh. The idea of fat Tony facing the Louis blasts seemed about as sensible as a barge sassing a battleship. And now. tonight, we actually are going to hunch forward in our chairs and watch it happen. For LouL.

the A I there ha, been -Kill IV AlUS IJlCO wi.l the time he. 1 I) XT IMHP If) IWMIiillll VtopSliopLoop I I. Keal Out Allied Kid A Ifrrriilrs Slas on llerl Ml ii i i i iMI i i iin mi. innlirirri ChaUrnger Tony Galcvto and Champion Joe Loui -rendin from Irft to trt for battle tonight in Yankee Stadium. And that's Sew Yoik.

Fijjlit 4Experis' Pick Joe Louis All nm Will Halt Galrnlo Within Ilia! l)ilano I oniplit 1I1 STRHI I.Ffl I aO Nichf Keull A.lird K-fi Kr 13: f--8- Cheir.0: Wr'-. S'-e'. Standing w. r-- H-r. TIT F.

rr 44 in Chrm c'. Sraltle Fighter, First To Floor Hugged New York Veteran; Kef Halls Bout SEATTLE. June 28 Hostak of Seattle held the National Boxing Association's middleweight championship for the second time in 11 months today. The 23-ycar-old Slav, mild-tempered out of the ring: but a savage within the Mrands. won back the title hp lost last Nov.

1 to Solly KrirRcr of Brooklyn by technically knocking: out the rugged but steamed-out New Yorker in 46 seconds of the fourth round of a 15-round match last night. Hostak weighed 158 Krieger 160 pounds. Promoter Nate Druxman estimated 15.000 fans paid nearl? $40,000 to see the titlp Hostak won from Freddie Steele of Tacoma last July 26 to Seattle. Hostak displaved a terrific right hand and did something nobody ever did before--put Krieger on the floor. He had Krieger down twice in the third and three times in the 10111,11 Referee Jimmy Brad- jdock, the former heavyweight cham stopped the slaughter.

Brad-dock d.dn'a bother to count and tried to drag Krieger to his corner. Krieger, his eyes gla7ed and staring, slumped to the canvas in mid-ring and sat there in a stunor foi- several seconds before his handlers trundled him to his corner. Krieger attributed his loss to two tilings the task of making weight and Hostak's merciless right hands to the head. Three and a half weeks ago Kr.eger weighed 178 pounds. He reported here two weeks ago at 168.

Yesterday he still was a quarter-pound overweight at the official weigh-in. and had to take his third Turkish bath in two days. It sapped his strength, and Solly only delivered two blows worth mentioning both right hands to the ribs. 2 Seeded Iirk Netmen Beaten Jolniron ami Balicork (io Down in Titular lprt; Don Hutrlipoii Aihancr Two seeded players were eliminated the second round yesterday 1 the Delaware Public Parks tennis championships at the Rodney Street courts. Henry Johnson.

No. 7. and Bill Bab-ccck. No. 8.

were favored players to depart from the tourney. went out by default to Donald Long while Babco*ck dropped a three-set match to John- son. 4-6. 6-2. 6-2.

No. 3. who downed Harold Shoen- berg. 6-1, 6-1; William Sharp. No.

who turned in a 6-1. 2-8. 6-1 deci- I sion over William Hirons, and Alec Gorski. f.fth among the favorites. who advanced with a 1-6.

6-4. 6-1 triumph at the exper he expense of Robert Dunlop Ty The doubles tournament will get Uiiucr way iuud. First ro und Frar.fc Ruikovtkl defeated 6-4: Frank Nichols Harry Roos. 5-7. 8-6.

defeated Leonard Brinton. 9-7. 6-8. 5-6 6-3. 6-3 Second round Francis Sullivan defeated with the star of the stable he NEW YORK.

June 23 The William Woodward's Johns-' expert.5" assemble! for tonight's town. He hasn't discovered any ill-Joe Loui.s-Tony Galento coings-on ness yet, but revealed in Yankee stadium paraded onto yesterday he has been keeping cloae the limb in full force today with 1 tabs on the colt because a patrol almost unanimous selection of Judge had told him that during the Diamond loo and Coal Co retained lead in the Industrial League lat r.utht over Hercules by r.tvin; out Allied Kiel. 5-4. at Third; and Church Streets. The Dicos i were torcrc to stage a inree-run rally in the seventh and last inning snatch the game put of the fire.

Bill gave up eight hits to the pacemakers while Robertson and Hatv.lon yielded six to the losers. on- a home run drive by De-Marco Hetcu es stayed on the heels the Dicos by trouncing General Clc.r.ical. 13-5. Baynard Field Hercules' attack was paced by three Puscv and Jones ta'obed a 11-6 win over Worth Steel at Claymont Outfielders Mayer and Shechan of Worth Steel were mtured when they collided chasm; a f.y bs'l rtos Auir? Krr It utJf 4 rich 1 PrMarc- 3b if. 3 3 I r.r.r.rv.:s.

(i 4 i a i to Kerwtr. c. 4 (i 4 3 5 3 i I 3 I 0 4 Kim' 3 0 1 Decision Over; Veteran Rival! Aliano Stays Limit Unilcrj Steady Bombardment Of Loral Youtli' Stiff Blow Ray Aliano, toiwh and bat- tier from the South Side Club, rtood up in front of Trlbuani's thundering flst-s for five rounds last night. This was hi. greatest accomplishment in the feature bout of the T.

A. A. a ma 1 t.eur boxing show at Tnird and So't Streets. Aliano, much taller and heavier, waj; on the receiving end of some hard right and lefts but remained upturn, tnxo.ignoui me tii was beaten by a convincing margin.

however. The first was practically I even but Trib went to work in the second when he nailM Aliano times with vicious rights to the body. In the third, Al shlfd his attack to the head and jaw and had no trouble fir.dini the targe Aliano was forced to hold several times to avoid but he stayed erect during sever al wicked volleys in which Tribuanl flayed him i with either hand. i Aliano failed to disturb Trib-wni with a solid blow, hlr chief weapon being a long jab. In the semi-w'ndup, Anglo Am- brosano, unattached Pluladelphian.

scored a technical knoclcout ovr she vc'ran Happy Ridd of i Fourth Ward Club. Chester. Ridi was on his hands and rbn reiere narei trio Mik" de Mat'eo. A' c. scored 3n impressive de-ision vic'ory ovr Lon

unaaehed. Chester, in th bout, and Grover 1 Iwia of KAyst.on cam' ihrouzh with another vi'ory, whn x-s awardd a technical knoekeut win over Joe- Wa.gnr of Crusader. i 1ST imird--Al ir ''ii-lon over P.v Sou'h srhp'1, vr irt r. Hppv or. 10 pounds M.ico rf T.

rs4 r. won o-ir attarhe'1 340 pourrl wr.rj on nr. ore rr ennd riund. 310 0rar wort on ic W(f- 2 i 'i a a ond. second round" 1 p.

i pounds Dan', -TV- 'e I ltnoricd Jece Blaricb'irr. Kvone ore lir.u'e ar.o" :4 wro--te -erond 120 pound C.m!r l.arar-7vic r.d won der-on r.vr Majao-'i 140 Td over aa wf Er.d The officials were: Rferee. Georse Giaccftmo; Judges. Pot Duffy and Bridie Abrahams; timer. Lew i MedkefT; physician.

Dr. Shaw; announcer. Frank Denr.ry. Parochial Title Series Evened M. Elizabeth', Brandy v-ine Nine.

1 1-3 WallinaHBul Star, t. E.izabeth deadlocked the P-ay-ofT aeries fcr the Parochial Baseball League championship bv defeating St. Joseph's Brandywine) 11-3 last night at Rockford The third and decicmz came will i i--e Jia cu at rrice ixun i-Ti-cay eve catcher, when hei St. Elizabeth? suffered a lacerated mouth was stru fore the b' a practice pitch be game but he started the game and nit a tingle and scored two runs.

Talmo and Toomey ieu -ne iXiding witn tnree mis eacn. St. Thomas' and St. Ann's will meet tonight on the same grounds in game ci tne se decide the runnerup spot. ST.

ELIZABETH 3 tes OVWTXE ab a Fucello.Jb. 4:230 Foorr.ev '3 4 i 2 1 2 Bonner p. 3 2 0 4 13 2: 4 3 i 4 1 b. 0 i 0 H.ijee.s -3 3 5 is 2b 3 2 9 Lc-jsherv rf .1 0 ci a -I tnch.2o.

3 0 0 0 0 i 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 3O000 MODS 0 0 0 -5 0 rf. L-vnen rl To: at 3: it 21 6. ST Joseph. rtA.s. is 9 3 4 0 i Eiiiath'th Errors: Durham.

3 i 5 3, B-Jnne Ferguson, Hajee. Carozw. Frances Bancroft Gains Iu Miildl States Tennis PHILADELPHIA, June 23 Helen Bernharc. 17-year-old New York school girl, remained a favorite to win the Middle States Tennis Championship as play moved into the quarter-final round today at the Philadelphia Cricket Club. Miss Bernhard advanced with a 6-2.

6-4 win over Cecilia Riegel. Philadelphia, while Edna n'r. a 1 progressed with an upset triumph; over Florence Le BoutilUer of West-! bury, L. 6-4. 7-5.

Frances (Billie) tsancroit oi ummgton scored an other unset bv turnir.z back Barbara! eliminated Made eliminated Made tursnaw. Ursmus College. 6-3. 3-o. 6-2: tricla Cummings, Westfield, N.

Pa- 7 toppled Mrs. John Cegg. Menon. i nrst Lne -liaG-c tumea iback Ceci.ia Bowes, Cynwyd, 6-2, i i. i Imy Suburban Kesult Blue Ball defeated Oak Grove.

6-4 auu rive rviai u.tciv rc.i.. by the score of 8-1, in sames plavd last night in the Boys' Suburban Baseball League. Uo i i I i i i i i i i i i Xjsoctfcd Sporfi Wnfer NEV YORK. Jur.r Kleinman. or." of Newark's bookies, says Galen'o will down i 4 at ringside that or not.

can What this about another Texa Leagu" club besides Ba being in that farm club probe? mor.t- -D'r'iit Correction: The Florida Sf1e League' Iirry Dean has jmt hunz up his fourWnth in a ro-w for Sanforrt. We had it 11 the other dar. Miite Jaroo- break an im-af'r tonight 'i porant yarn right knockout. Joe DIMazglo go hL-of chasing furs under Phillv the o'h'r r.itrht a bad ta.t'e arcs in We look for Louis fialento in the firt. to Pnih If be don't knork him rnH.

h'H rip him to pleees so ha1tv ther'U stop it. Gnn ha." for adncirrr'? a. ''Glenn Cunr.trghsm Roger Hornsbv ha Th Bshirrto- harder 'han hB International Orioles hu Ieagiie. Anything crn hppn in h-avywrljht fight, thrv jt Well, tonight th expert are buffer than 10 to 1 for jut a in the firt msteh. Holding 'r 'ore ca of iokirg in ir P.o- 2: j-q sjohT door afT itror.

con The rna'ch ben iita'-i bor rt-ore -Jo lvr.s 15 hould -af in nr ea: Pepper ha hn further honored hv having a paring rolt namerJ for him hr Curtis anH ONon of Bmidji. Minn. er.v.zr., pe iarfr5; for 3r York Hipryvirorn. r.zni r.p-.'-jv. rom from as far away as Ens! and th Also 'he governors cf 4 hax- found convenient to a rcr.ntiDn here th: vk.

Iuit" prirat rrUrr is William Watson. Mirhican's shotpntter and broad jumper. Ted Brcadnhb, Tomrcv Farr ri manager, says Licuis ross no setter then when he trained for Farr And Tommy hun- around for 15, y'lcnow. Bvron XpIoii Prevail jn Maachuett Open worczstth. Mass Ju 2 ZtL ci 400 sav Byron Nelson.

National open cnampion -f pleaiant cf the -hirtv- i.n:ra Onen cnar P-onship today. The slim Texan's total 233 for the T2-hole mnd score of was e.jht strokes der the "A'crcester Coun- -jy CiUb course record set 'cy 3oooy Jones cf Atlanta. the 1325 National Open. a Is.) was w-n strokes lower tnan 'he State Open championship mark set. Kerri tan of in 1322 and oene taraaen in Iojo.

i.iaiu siroies aneaa of Lloyd Mangrum of Los Angeles. Cal. A stroke behind Mar.irtun -89 was Hor con of Chiccpee, wr.o cosed wit a -ra wor $-2 GO and Saiith State Semi-Pro Kaseball rourney to Start Julv 17 TV The second annual Delaware semi- pro oascoa held from W. champienships 17 to 23

Nichols, --ate -onaus- sioner. announced todav invitations leading participate in the been mailed to semi-nro eams The state chair.pionsh.p -earn will be awarded the cold Hon lis Semi-Pro Baseball Congress Trophv. me Maryland cham- victor will be eligible to compete in the national tournament. Worth of the industrial League, is the defending champion. Major Leaders By Associated Press NitlOB1 battivo Bonur.

New York. Wer-er. League S2. Or- rcns bati'Id si: aoaur sew rx doubles K--. 1 KIP-LS- 1 HOME HL'N-5- r.

3 Se Yor MrCcrrr. STOLFN II Kst. Cn.cj.i. 3 PITCHING Wy: li Vrt. iv.i Wsmete, 9-2.

-i. 3-r i. 4mencn l.etue batttsg-tyxx. so-wa, i RCSS RfSS 3ATTKD r.

rs 5 5- rn. jj Wr d-k bie-s- Oie- 1 -T5 c.f.K-. STOLH.S BKSSo Cve, fvfitnd. 10 d. ti-i.

Sen York. 11-1. WH 1 Don Hutcheson continued on his :5 4 6 to another championship bv jscoVin? a third round triumph over crVfv. Htr. rur.s-.

Francis Sullivan. 6-3. 8-6. pueries t-v: He was ioinecl bv William Welmon. Tight if yon don't know any brtt'T W.

T. A. Takes League Shoot fyOHKH'Ood Fiflllir Third nl Maintain Margin Of Tarprf at HHni Althouch 'dnishing third in last night's pen -Del Twilight Trapshoot- ers League match, Longwood holds the league leadership by a margin of 33 targets. Top honors went to the Wilmington Trapshooting Association with a score of 333x350. Yorklyn took down runnerup honors with 335.

and Lnng-wood was third w-ith 333. Brinton Lake finished fourth with 323x350. Scores of 5f)-straight w-fre turned in by Fulton. C. B.

John, and F. S. Tomiin. Wtl.MTN'OTON- YOnrCr.YN- J. Rd H.

Harper T. W. M. Davn I N. A.

43 ft. 41 J. 41 a 4 43 43 T. 47 J. L-Ur Cro'her" Cler.denri:r.

T. r. Marshaii H. Otterson 4 43 47 47 4 To' a'. LONG OOD BP INTO 4.1 SO 43 47 D.

C. K. Ma. -on CI. D.

Baldw.n J. strode C. B. John w. Penrose D.

TuUocb 47 M. 43 F. 43 M. 4 L. 51 H.

.47 P. 47 N. Mr3rayne Tomi.n Biker Evans P. Willis 3. Stapletord 44 45 44 Total 333x350: Total 323X250 Other Shooter Wfmir.gtT.

I. 45: 3. t. Gratsn. 4: G.

Baldntin. 44: J. W. Anderson. Jr.

42; W. L. 43. J. A.

Car.a-van. 43. T. Kane. 41: A.

46. P- D. Guer. 41: T. W.

33; R. Carrour, 36. C. R., 41 T.

C. Marshall. 40. Longwocd L. T.

Johr.son. 4fi; Ann Mason. 29: C. W. Jenkins.

44: A. P. Hart. 40; J. S.

46; C. H. Mason III. 41; L. T.

Haldeman. 44 Brinton Lake R. E. 42: J. A.

41; C. Vosheli. 43. J. 43: A.

McClam. W. H. Seal, 32; 3. Goff.

40: W. Moffett. 42. F. Fulioa.

C. B. John, F. S. Tomhn.

Class Winner Ciass Class Class Class Class 1 W. J. 43. 2 T. C.

Marshall. 47. 3 M. 4 W. 5 A McBrayne.

45. L. Spann. 43. P.

Hart. 40. Standing Lonswood YorXIyn 5x3153 2971x315(1 2891x3153 Wilmns'von BrmtDn Lase Elkton Stars Win Two Eikton All-Stars captured both ends of a doubleheader at Elkton. Aberdeen was handed a 17-5 defeat in the first game, and Belair Black Sox bowed 9-0, in ihe second clash. Par Propping By ART KKENZ SEA Service Golf Writer -Off LOW 7AJCTozy When with a whether the golfer is confronted tree, the problem arises to shoot over, or, if the possibility presents, go under its hancine tranches.

FOP, HIGH Nge laid his title cn 'he line sin.v he won it fron Jim Brsri.lock ever iwc rriirds huhly. epect' to kr.Tk lurr. out three rounds cf a scheduled for liei's. Sharp and Inruffird He ha- almost casualty ani. 3s utiI.

ha. next to He ioks rair-sharp and tinrufT.e;;. The g.vr.blers. while fT.d of that "any man With a punch likr has a still -sere eflerir.i unlimited money at 5f to I thv. Louis retain.

crown For is a char.c h1 envisaged in his t-cri-r-t dreams cf a frw yrars back. N'vrr a red and narked, the pound eteran finds hints? If fcr the eharr.ptor.-i.r.p at thf fi; -f his career. J'C Jacob, the lit v.ho ever managed a is Whether has dor.e Tcr.y a favor The expert. who fre-c.

ier.t".y ae have a mm c-hou'd rr.ake a shaxb'e-- of oppencr. a few rounds. M-5t of the r.ter, f.cure iU a trchnical knockout. They cicuct ths: ccn Lou: can pat Tony cn the f.x-r. fcr Ton-.

supported by Al-o, he has Wide Cpen For ounter Maybe te a to his h.s hopes cn let hock. He haj knocked cut a Icnr of hand-picked -aeapen. which really fonr.idable But it is sornethmc el-e. Maybe Tony, if he pile in hard enough and isn't dlscouracrd b. the ahtp-Iash of the champion f.sts.

lar.d cn Joe the outset. Then there could a wild scene. one to se: 4 or more spectator dancing en the.r chair. Louis no; hard to care. Tiat.

though. rnut )y considered sn outride possibility Tcny takT. a Icr- time to swing his left. Hc throws hi5 who'e body forward Tith it. and while thi rnomer.tour is 'pre cress Tcny is an hard to see ho- L-culs can 'Tony's.

a Koujrh Man The f.cht ccu.d end in a Galento is a -rough-and-tu-x'ole scrapper by preference. The thai have been written about him in that rrspeet are not fiction. If he's hurt tcnig as he most likely will te. his instinct will tell him to close with his tormentor and f.zht it ou: alley-fashion. He is a good man with his head and hi elbows.

The commission has issued warning that the referee can disqualify an offender, despite its "no rule. They will be a strangely assorted pair up there under, the lights. Louis two inches ever six feet, fiat- lachec and graceful as a cat. his unrnarsed ana his lips tr.eir perpetual little pout. Tony as squat as a gallon jus.

his semi-bald shoulders without benefit of neck, his beady eyes peering out from the la vers of scar-tissue. Hall Player Softer Now, eteran Umpire Aver? ST. LOUIS Klem points out that ball players aren't as as they used to be. "Thirty years ago." says the National League's dean of umpires, "90 per cent of the clubs had the spirit cf the old St. Louis Gas House Gang.

Now the players respect an umpire. Do you know, not counting coaches and managers. I haven't tossed out mere than three men in the last 15 years?" Klem. 65. is in a St.

Louis hospital convalescing fc-Uowjig an operation. Softball Score Commercial League Ero'her B. T. Shaw. Grady a.

4. Sear? Roebuck 1. Bcnet: A. 30; Purir-a. 4.

Earoers. 3. Clerical Lea ju A-rows. Elizabeth's 9: Mcr.roe O. PlaTfronnd Lfatue 3: Kirkwooc.

2. Eayard. Liberty, l. Fight in Nutshell NEW YORK. June 28 (INS).

f.ght in a nutshell: TtTLE AT STAKE World r.avym:;ht caitr.pionih.?. P.IXCIPAL5 Joe Lou.5. D'trcr. Vi, Tcr.y Ga.ento.

calle-ger. LENGTH OF BOLT IS rc PLACE WXATHEK Fart sarxer POTPONMENT DATE ToBcrro-w. TTVtE 10 i-lea. Eislern ATTENDANCE FT.Db F.ECEIPTS-3:0 ttC. CONTESTANTS FERCFN7A3E Lr 4" rer e-t CJalcrtc.

per cm. T-j srrd a- PETTING ODD 7 i Galento. its to of Jr ei. A All Cham-oion Joe to flat'en rhai. lender inside of five rounds of their scheduled 15-round tussle.

Only three of all thoe making their predictions for the Associated Press poll climbed aboard wtiat there was of the Galento band wagon. One other, John Webster of the Philadelphia Inquirer, gave Tony a pood chance "if ho gets by the third round." The three were Jack Miley. columnist of the New York Post, who picked "Tony by aj heac. Brombcrg of the cc iocs who saw as lony to win. and Cy Petcrnian of quirer.

who he Philadelphia In- picked Galento in utree. To a man. the others went for Louis, anything from 12 seconds to five or six rounds. Here thev are: B.i: Boston Prf Lo lTr rou-i? Par.

Parker. Nw York Mirror th-ee Wilfred Smtth. Chicagro Tr.bune-Louis to kayo Tor.v In five Trevor gf ixv-tdfn Fxening fi'andsrd L-uti four Al Buck. Nw York Post Lou.s on form in r.i :or.ger than T.e round Adarr'. New York -'it: 5.c Avcciatfd Prejj -Lout? or :r.r;e two Carmichaet, Chicago Daitr News-Lou is three.

Jack Bell. Miami Daily ws Louis in five or six. Ed Van Every. New York Sun Louis in three or four. Joe Pertove.

Toronto S'ar Louis in three. Jim Dawson. New York Times Joe by a knockout. J. Ed Wray.

St. Louis Post-Dicpa'ch Louis in less than five. Marvin McCarthy. Chicago Louis by a knockout the Murrav Lew.n. New York Mirror The champ in three.

Gayle Talbot, Associated Press Louis In five. Herbert Barker. Associated Press Louis in a couple. Claire Kelly, Chicago American Louis three. Ger.e Kejster, Chicago Times Louis In three.

Jack Mahon, New York Daily News Louis in four. Haroid Conrad, Brooklyn Eagle within five. Hype Igoe. New York Journal-American Lou.s inside three. Erietz.

Associated Press to ston Tony in one. Sid Mercer. New York Journal-American Louis in three or four Jack Cuddy, United Press Louis within three. Dillon Graham, Associated Press in the third. Whitney Martin, Associated Press Louis in five.

Barney Nagter. Bronx fNew York! Home News The Bomber in two. Edard W. Cochrane. Chicago American Louis in three.

Lou Jaffe. Ledger Louis In three. Bapclall Group Meels The committee in charge of the Atlantic Baseball School to be held here on four different dates in July and August will meet tomorrow night at 8:30 o'clock in the office of Mayor Walter W. Bacon. Final plans for the first day's session, scheduled for July 11, will be Racinsr to Nolcs By Associated rrcss Trainer Jim Fi'zsjmmons is won- dering if something might be wrong running of the Dwyer June 17 the Dwyer June 17 he had heard a sound from Johns'own that indicated possible impaired breathing or a throat ailment.

Johnstown ha been worked recently in a throttle cloth, a device to produce heavy sweating of the throat, and If no sijns of trouble develop in the next few days he will be put into hard training again for the Arlington Classic, July 22. Jo Roscn a riding spurt at Sufto'k Downs last week but he mm isn't within shouting distance of Eddie Robart. leading rider at the Boston track. Rosen spurted into third place in the standing as he and F. A.

Smith each rode six winners. Joe earned the week's bispest check, $428, but at the end of the week he had only 16 winners to Robart's 44. Resides handing: out 586,000 in added money to winners of its bi? stake races, Arlington Park has an added reason for calling; its current meeting the "Thirty Golden Days." They are the trophies awarded to the owner and breeder of the Arlington Furturity winner and the winning owner in the Classic Stakes. Each is a solid replica of the Coronation Cup, won in England by Mrs. John D.

Hertz's Reigh Count, and they are the most valuable trophies awarded in American racing. It wasn't really Zenana, the 29-1 shot from Mrs. K. 11. Heighe barns, but her rider, Lucas Dupps, that really won the Fort Sewcll Purse at Suffolk Downs yesterday.

Dupps refused to follow the lead of rival jockeys in avoiding the inside section of the track, which was supposed to be "heavy" and shot Zena3ia through on the rail around the turn. The filly picked up a lot of ground on that move, then continued to travel through the stretch, coming from behind in the last 70 yards to beat the 4-5 favorite, Kenty Miss, by a half length. The fans who were thrilled at the tight finish when A. H. Waterman's Mary Schulz just lasted to beat out Mrs.

Nat Ray's Short Distance in the Blue Girl Handicap at Aqueduct also were puzzled about what happened to Watcrsplash and Apprentice R. XV. Smith. Watersplash carried lOa'i pounds, including overweight, while Smith can ride at 105. The difference was in the saddles.

Smith had to ue a larger, heavier type on Watersplash, and after the mare had dropped back to last place, Smith explained the stirrups had slipped from the saddle. still is an apprentice, has ridden 33 winners since he broke his maiden on Departed on April 4, 1938. He may receive his diploma before the Delaware meet closes. He's allowed 40 winners after the elapse of a year. He is riding for Watt Elliott.

Scott started his career on the turf with Maj. G. L. Stryker, president of Laurel Park, in 1935. Then he joined Louis Campbell and later Frank Christmas.

His two brothers also are jockeys. Emory, the eldest is with Tommy Rodrock, trainer of the William F. Hott Stable, and Ralph (Bingt is connected with the Alfred Gywnne Vanderbilt establishment. The latter has ridden one race, but shows promise. Ray is one of the best apprentices at Delaware Park and has won nine purses, has 10 seconds and 11 thirds.

W. Var.deeriJt, 6-0. 6-2; John Woodall tested Jerome Kendzierski. 6-3. 6-1; Don-ab aid Lor.g won bv default from Her.rv John- son; Alec Gorskl defeated John Terepka.

-6-0. 6-1; Robert Dunlop defeated Robert Wails. 6-1. 6-3: Harry Schoenberg won bv default from Jacic Corrigan: William Weill mon won be default from Alan Dougherty; William Sharp defeated Frank Rutkowskl. 0)6-3.

6-4. William Hirons won bv default from Ed Nason: Frank Nichols defeated Paul Ohlson. 6-3. 6-3; Henry Agoos de- feated Otto HafTe. 6-4.

3-6. 6-2: Leigh Johnson defeated William Babco*ck. 4-6 6-2 6-2: Vance Mendenhall won bv de- fault from Alfred Conte; Edward Metz fested John Sullivan. 8-6. 6-2; James 5 1-C.

Kmlcr gen. chemical KF.CrLE5 tb c.c. rf 4 2 2 SF.tPifiS.rb. 3 5rr. 4 110 0 5 4 5 3 0 3t 4 3 0 4 1 3 i i 5 2 3 2 3 Formard lb 3 i 3 ater.2b 5 12 11 4 0 0 3 0 Arcs 4 2 3 8 0 2 0 0 14 v-v --v 1 4 l.r-r rf 1 (1 1 waisf 2 1 3 0 0 Payr.f 3 0 0 0 2 p. 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 13 16 Ci 6 C9 5 4 I'. 11 ..3 0 4 2 1 1 213 1 0 2 0 0 2 05 Kerruir General Chemical FUSE? JONES ao a Murphy 4 110 0 Roemer.3b Szozda.3b 3 2 2 1 0 Seioy.ct lb 3 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 4 0 2 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 Grubb.lf 2 1 1 0 Sheehan.if.

3 1 3 0 0 Lor.g.c 3 0 1 0 0 Appleton.rf. 'Heal. Gar rewf-' Totals. 2 11 8 15 1 p-jvfv arid Jones Worth Sieei 0 3 0 4 0 6 This 22-year-cld pro whacks another bad tovcard a candle-marked creen 131 yards cxay in his effort to make tuo holes-in-one within 2i hours at the Elmgate Golf Club. GJenticic, 111.

Wagner, uho bet cgc-nst a new cuto, scored his firs cce on the SOo'h shot, failed tc connect for the second after 3.094 attempts. Another Mi Cyril IFcgncr STEEL a i 3 113 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 17 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 2 2 1 0 0, 3 110 1 3 0 1 0 2 I Totat.v. 216 35 5 6 2 0 2 3 33 Greatest Race Thrill I Ever Had Brown oefeated Ed Schwatlo 6-1. fi-fl Third round Don Hutcheson defeated Sullivan. 6-3.

8-6; John Woodall defeated Donpid Long. 6-3. 7-5: Atec defeated Robert Dunlop. 3-6. 6-4.

6-1: William Welmon defeated Harold Schoenberg. 6-3. 6-1: W-illiam Sharp defeated William Hirons, 6-1. 2-6. 6-1.

Vaiulever A. C. Scores Over Woodlawn Rivals Vantiever A. C. defeated Wood-lawn yesterday at Fourth and Ferris Streets, 6-2.

Vandever would like to schedule games with 14 to teams. For games dial Reese Wilson, 'phone 4-1342. VANDEVER A C. WOODLAWN a a hrho Crosley.Ib. 4 3 0 2 4 0 0 1 0 Leuz.3b...

4 2 1 1 Grv.2b 3 0 0 3 Bull. lb 4 0 16 1 Carlo. cf. 3 0 0 0 0 5 3 0 15 1 Darretl.3b. 3 0 0 1 3 Wtfson.lf 3 12 0 O-'Wain-ght 2 1 0 2 23 Tusey.rf..

3 I 1 I Welih.rf... HOOD Walls. 4 0 0 0 0 Wallen.ib. 4 0 2 10 1 Gary ees 3 2 2 2 36 Rubino. ss.

3 0 0 1 3 Hucfon.Ts. 3 0 3 0 3 C.Burr.s.c. 3 0 0 7 2 1 0 0 0 0 Bums.rf. 2 0 0 0 0 (Leonzio.rf 3 i 0 0 0 23 6 27 2lt 39 2 2 27 21 Vandever 0 2103020 0 6 Wocdlawn 000001 10 02 Errors: Leufce. Bull.

Rubino. Fights Last Night SEATTLE Al Hottak. lbS'3. stopped Solly Krieger. 160.

Brooklyn, National Association m.ddieweight champion (4i. DETROIT Johnny Waiters. 188. Pontiac, outpointed Steve Dudas, 194 Edge-water. N.

J. (10t. KANSAS CITY Pat KUfinger. ISO. Kansas City, knocked out Joe Richards.

180 Chicago i5. GARFIELD, N. Johnny Rohrig. 138, Clifton. N.

stopped Nunzio Biscgno, 134. Newark t7). NEW YORK Dellicurtl. 152, New York, outpoirted Georg.e lc8'3. Washington igi.

NEW BEDFORD Mss Rjt Maclifyre. lie. Canada, outpointed Jack.e Flowers. Ifro Fall River ilOj. As Told to Sparrow By JOCKEY SCOTT To play over a tree, the golfer 'Strobhar of Merlon, 6-3, 7-5.

should get as much loit as pos-! Anne Page, Eastern Sia'es titlist, sible. Therefore he must lav the! defeated PoX.v Morrill of Long wood, club back to get the desired high 1 6-4. 5-4: Eunice Dean. San Antonio, trajectory. This shot should be played onlv hen the golfer can reach the r.14m u.c van icai.n uici green by a high approach.

If it is necessary to cet o-J. Ainson narrison, ransea "My greatest thrill came when the picture man caught me in a dead-heat at Delaware Park. The meet was only a few days old when Mr. Elliott's Count Tetrarch and the A. C.

C. Stable's Lady Roma, with Polk up, could not be separated by the judges. I was glad because I did not lose, although later I did beat Lady Roma handily on the same mount. "When Polk and I were pulling up side-by-side we had a little conversation something like this: 'I think it was I said. 'So do Polk replied.

"As 1 recall the race we hooked up at the three-eights pole, both on the rail and we ran nose-and-nose the remainder of the distance. That was thrill enough." Ray Ellis Scott is a Ealtimorean, when a tree is guarding a certain oblective. it is better to shoot nn der, rather than use a high shor ancl Knowles. Philadelphia, b-o- i-little distance is aUairied" k141. Clarke of Phila-1 li In which Tne shot called upon to eo un- der over-hanging branches, must be played with a club with sufficient loft to carry the ball at the height ui w.

Use a club with enough loft to send the ball off at the angle to the fairway..

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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