Improving the results from SVM classification of faults (2024)

My problem is, I'm getting poor results in the classification and I'm wondering if anyone may be able to suggest ways to improve this?

The output from my data set undergoes preprocessing as in the example, I've retimed it to the frequency the circuit operates at 20KHz = 5e-5 secs. The power spectrum and features are extracted as in the example. From the features a fault flag is produced using statistical measures and used to train the classifier (see code below).

At present I'm only trying to extract (alas not very sucessfully) three separate faults, eventually I would also like to classify multiple faults.

The best results I've achieved are 43.75% accuracy (see below).

I did think it may be to do with the feature extraction, as the power spectrum starts at -50dB so extracting changes in features is difficult.

My data set contains 80 runs (this takes ages to generate) - probably at bit small, would a larger set help?

I would be very grateful if anyone may be able to suggest ways to improve the classification (if possible).

mdl = 'Boost_converter';


% Set fault parameters


% Default parameters for simulation

% Bondwire RC 1e-4

% ESR is 1e-6

% Thermal Resistance 5th element in Foster Model [9.5e-3 0.125039

% 0.132857 0.256654 "0.021551" 2.1e-3] - 0.021551 relates to solder between

% layers


%Bondwire RC failire at 3e-3


% Electrolytic Capacitor 220uF failure at ESR of 0.5 Ohms


% Foster Thermal Resistance paramters, failure at 0.2 increase of 5th

% element in Foster model


IGBT_RC=[mdl '/IGBT Full1']; 'RC';


% set number of simulation runs here default is 20, this gives a data set

% of 80.

nPerGroup = 20; % 125 Number of elements in each fault group


% No fault simulations

Bondwire = repmat(Bondwire_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1);

ESR = repmat(ESR_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1);

Thermal_Resistance = repmat(Thermal_Resistance_set(1),nPerGroup,1);

% Single fault simulations

idx = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

Bondwire = [Bondwire; Bondwire_fault_set(idx)'];

ESR = [ESR;repmat(ESR_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

Thermal_Resistance= [Thermal_Resistance;repmat(Thermal_Resistance_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

idx = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

Bondwire = [Bondwire; repmat(Bondwire_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

ESR = [ESR;ESR_fault_set(idx)'];

Thermal_Resistance = [Thermal_Resistance;repmat(Thermal_Resistance_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

idx = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

Bondwire = [Bondwire; repmat(Bondwire_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

ESR = [ESR;repmat(ESR_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

Thermal_Resistance = [Thermal_Resistance;Thermal_Resistance_set(idx)'];


% %

% % %**************************************************************************

% % % Double fault simulations

% % idxA = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % idxB = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % Bondwire = [Bondwire; Bondwire_fault_set(idxA)'];

% % ESR = [ESR;ESR_fault_set(idxB)'];

% % Thermal_Resistance = [Thermal_Resistance;repmat(Thermal_Resistance_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

% % idxA = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % idxB = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % Bondwire = [Bondwire; Bondwire_fault_set(idxA)'];

% % ESR = [ESR;repmat(ESR_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

% % Thermal_Resistance = [Thermal_Resistance;Thermal_Resistance_set(idxB)'];

% % idxA = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % idxB = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % Bondwire = [Bondwire; repmat(Bondwire_fault_set(1),nPerGroup,1)];

% % ESR = [ESR;ESR_fault_set(idxA)'];

% % Thermal_Resistance = [Thermal_Resistance;Thermal_Resistance_set(idxB)'];

% % %**************************************************************************

% % % Triple fault simulations

% % idxA = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % idxB = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % idxC = ceil(10*rand(nPerGroup,1));

% % Bondwire = [Bondwire; Bondwire_fault_set(idxA)'];

% % ESR = [ESR; ESR_fault_set(idxB)'];

% % Thermal_Resistance = [Thermal_Resistance; Thermal_Resistance_set(idxC)'];

% %**************************************************************************

%Use the fault parameter combinations to create Simulink.SimulationInput objects.

%For each simulation input ensure that the random seed is set differently to generate different results.

IGBT=[mdl '/IGBT Full1'];'RC';

CAP=[mdl '/Capacitor'];'r';

IGBT2=[mdl '/IGBT Full1'];'Rth_Foster(5)';

Noise_Source=[mdl '/Voltage Source'];'user_seed';

for ct = numel(Bondwire):-1:1

simInput(ct) = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdl);

simInput(ct) = setVariable(simInput(ct),'IGBT',Bondwire(ct));

simInput(ct) = setVariable(simInput(ct),'CAP',ESR(ct));

simInput(ct) = setVariable(simInput(ct),'IGBT2',Thermal_Resistance(ct));

simInput(ct) = setVariable(simInput(ct),'Noise_Source',ct-1);


%Use the generateSimulationEnsemble function to run the simulations defined by the Simulink.

%SimulationInput objects defined above and store the results in a local sub-folder.

%Then create a simulationEnsembleDatastore from the stored results.

% Run the simulation and create an ensemble to manage the simulation results

if ~exist(fullfile(pwd,'Data'),'dir')

mkdir(fullfile(pwd,'Data')); % Create directory to store results


% [ok,e] = generateSimulationEnsemble(simInput(1:10),fullfile(pwd,'Data'),'UseParallel',true);

% [ok,e] = generateSimulationEnsemble(simInput(1:80),fullfile('.','Data'),'UseParallel',true);

% [ok,e] = generateSimulationEnsemble(simInput,fullfile('.','Data'),'UseParallel',true);

% Use above for full data set

runAll = true;

if runAll

[ok,e] = generateSimulationEnsemble(simInput,fullfile('.','Data'),'UseParallel',true);


[ok,e] = generateSimulationEnsemble(simInput(1:10),fullfile('.','Data')); %#ok<UNRCH>



% Important - Run from here once data has been generated!!!

% *************************************************************************

ens = simulationEnsembleDatastore(fullfile(pwd,'Data'));

% %


% Configure the ensemble so that the read only returns the variables of interest

% Call the preprocess function

ens.SelectedVariables = ["Vce", "SimulationInput"];


data = read(ens);

[Vce,VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies,faultValues] = preprocess2(data);


% %Plot the voltage and voltage spectrum. The plotted data is for a fault free condition.

% % Figure with nominal






%Configure the ensemble with data variables for the condition indicators and condition variables for fault variable values.

%Then call the extractCI function to compute the features, and use the writeToLastMemberRead command to add the feature and fault variable values to the ensemble.

%The extractCI function is separate.


ens.DataVariables = [ens.DataVariables; ...

"fPeak"; "pLow"; "pMid"; "pHigh"; "pKurtosis"; ...

"qMean"; "qVar"; "qSkewness"; "qKurtosis"; ...

"qPeak2Peak"; "qCrest"; "qRMS"; "qMAD"; "qCSRange"];

ens.ConditionVariables = ["Bondwire_Fault","ESR_Fault","Thermal_Fault"];


feat = extractCI2(Vce,VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies);

dataToWrite = [faultValues, feat];



%The above code preprocesses and computes the condition indicators for the first member of the simulation ensemble.

%Repeat this for all the members in the ensemble using the ensemble hasdata command.

%To get an idea of the simulation results under different fault conditions plot every hundredth element of the ensemble.


% %Figure with nominal and faults



lVce = plot(Vce.Time,Vce.Data,'LineWidth',2);


lVceSpectrum = semilogx(VceFrequencies,pow2db(VceSpectrum),'LineWidth',2);


ct = 1;

lColors = get(lVce.Parent,'ColorOrder');

lIdx = 2;


% % Loop over all members in the ensemble, preprocess

% % and compute the features for each member

while hasdata(ens)


% % Read member data

data = read(ens);


% % Preprocess and extract features from the member data

[Vce,VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies,faultValues] = preprocess2(data);

feat = extractCI2(Vce,VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies);

% % Add the extracted feature values to the member data

dataToWrite = [faultValues, feat];



% % Plot member signal and spectrum for every 10th member

if mod(ct,10) == 0

line('Parent',lVce.Parent,'XData',Vce.Time,'YData',Vce.Data, ...

'Color', lColors(lIdx,:));

line('Parent',lVceSpectrum.Parent,'XData',VceFrequencies,'YData',pow2db(VceSpectrum), ...

'Color', lColors(lIdx,:));

if lIdx == size(lColors,1)

lIdx = 1;


lIdx = lIdx+1;



ct = ct + 1;


% %Configure the simulation ensemble to read the condition indicators, and

% %use the tall and gather commands to load all the condition indicators and fault variable values into memory


% % Get data to design a classifier.


ens.SelectedVariables = ["fPeak","pLow","pMid","pHigh","pKurtosis",...




idxLastFeature = 14;


% % Load the condition indicator data into memory

data = gather(tall(ens));




% % Convert the fault variable values to flags

data.BondwireFlag = data.Bondwire_Fault > 1e-4;

data.ESRFlag = data.ESR_Fault > 1e-6;

data.ThermalFlag = data.Thermal_Fault > 0.021551;

data.CombinedFlag =data.BondwireFlag+2*data.ESRFlag+4*data.ThermalFlag;

% %Create a classifier that takes as input the condition indicators and returns the combined fault flag.

% %Train a support vector machine that uses a 2nd order polynomial kernel.

% %Use the cvpartition command to partition the ensemble members into a set for training and a set for validation.


rng('default') % for reproducibility

predictors = data(:,1:idxLastFeature);

response = data.CombinedFlag;

cvp = cvpartition(size(predictors,1),'KFold',5);


% % Create and train the classifier

template = templateSVM(...

'KernelFunction', 'polynomial', ...

'PolynomialOrder', 2, ...

'KernelScale', 'auto', ...

'BoxConstraint', 1, ...

'Standardize', true);

combinedClassifier = fitcecoc(...

predictors(,:), ...

response(,:), ...

'Learners', template, ...

'Coding', 'onevsone', ...

'ClassNames', [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]);

% %Check the performance of the trained classifier using the validation data and plot the results on a confusion plot.


% % Check performance by computing and plotting the confusion matrix

actualValue = response(cvp.test(1),:);

predictedValue = predict(combinedClassifier, predictors(cvp.test(1),:));

confdata = confusionmat(actualValue,predictedValue);


labels = {'None','Capacitor','Thermal','Bondwire','Bondwire & Capacitor', ...

'Thermal & Bondwire','Thermal & Capacitor','All'};

h = heatmap(confdata)

% ,...

% 'YLabel', 'Actual IGBT fault', ...

% 'YDisplayLabels', labels, ...

% 'XLabel', 'Predicted IGBT fault', ...

% 'XDisplayLabels', labels, ...

% 'ColorbarVisible','off');


% % Compute the overall accuracy of the classifier



% % Compute the accuracy of the classifier at predicting

% % that there is a fault


function [Vce,VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies,faultValues] = preprocess2(data)

% Remove the 1st 0.1 seconds of the Voltage signal to eliminate transient

tMin = seconds(0.1);

Vce = data.Vce{1};

Vce = Vce(Vce.Time >= tMin,:);

Vce.Time = Vce.Time - Vce.Time(1);

% Ensure the Voltage is sampled at a uniform sample rate

Vce = retime(Vce,'regular','linear','TimeStep',seconds(5e-5)); %5e-5 is 20KHz sample rate

% Remove the mean from the Vce and compute the Vce spectrum

fA = Vce;

fA.Data = fA.Data-mean(fA.Data);


[VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies] = pspectrum(fA);

% 'FrequencyLimits',[2 2500]

% % Find the values of the fault variables from the SimulationInput

simin = data.SimulationInput{1};

vars = {simin.Variables.Name};

idx = strcmp(vars,'IGBT');

Bondwire_Fault = simin.Variables(idx).Value;

idx = strcmp(vars,'CAP');

ESR_Fault = simin.Variables(idx).Value;

idx = strcmp(vars,'IGBT2');

Thermal_Fault = simin.Variables(idx).Value;


% % Collect the fault values in a cell array

faultValues = {...

'Bondwire_Fault', Bondwire_Fault, ...

'ESR_Fault', ESR_Fault, ...

'Thermal_Fault', Thermal_Fault};


function ci = extractCI2(Vce,VceSpectrum,VceFrequencies)

% % Find the frequency of the peak magnitude in the power spectrum.

pMax = max(VceSpectrum);

fPeak = VceFrequencies(VceSpectrum==pMax);

% % Compute the power in the low frequency range Hz.

fRange = VceFrequencies >=10 & VceFrequencies <= 100;

pLow = sum(VceSpectrum(fRange));

% % Compute the power in the mid frequency range Hz.

fRange = VceFrequencies >= 100 & VceFrequencies <= 600;

pMid = sum(VceSpectrum(fRange));


% % Compute the power in the high frequency range Hz.

fRange = VceFrequencies >= 600;

pHigh = sum(VceSpectrum(fRange));


% % Find the frequency of the spectral kurtosis peak

[pKur,fKur] = pkurtosis(VceSpectrum);

pKur = fKur(pKur == max(pKur));


% % Compute the Vce cumulative sum range.

csVce = c*msum(Vce.Data);

csVceRange = max(csVce)-min(csVce);


% % Collect the feature and feature values in a cell array.

% % Add flow statistic (mean, variance, etc.) and common signal

% % characteristics (rms, peak2peak, etc.) to the cell array.

ci = {...

'qMean', mean(Vce.Data), ...

'qVar', var(Vce.Data), ...

'qSkewness', skewness(Vce.Data), ...

'qKurtosis', kurtosis(Vce.Data), ...

'qPeak2Peak', peak2peak(Vce.Data), ...

'qCrest', peak2rms(Vce.Data), ...

'qRMS', rms(Vce.Data), ...

'qMAD', mad(Vce.Data), ...


'fPeak', fPeak, ...

'pLow', pLow, ...

'pMid', pMid, ...

'pHigh', pHigh, ...

'pKurtosis', pKur(1)};


Improving the results from SVM classification of faults (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.